Is it time for home care for your loved one?

To find out if it’s the right time to find a place for mom, dad or someone you care about, answer the following questions.

  1. Is he/she alone for several hours during the day and/or night

  2. In the past year, has he/she fallen, been anxious about falling, or otherwise been at risk for falling in their home?

  3. Has he/she been hospitalized or been to the emergency room in the past year?

  4. Does he/she use a cane, walker, wheelchair, or other device to help with balance or walking?

  5. Does he/she have at least one of these chronic ailments: heart disease, stroke, COPD, osteoporosis, or arthritis?

  6. Is he/she required to take several daily medications? Is it sometimes difficult to remember to take your medications?

  7. Does he/she require assistance with at least one of the following activities: bathing, toileting, dressing, meal prep, etc.?

  8. Does he/she no longer feel safe living alone? For example, is he/she at risk for possibly leaving the stove on, etc,?

  9. Would his/her life be better and easier if he/she had people around that were close to their age; and someone to help them when they needed help?

If your answer is yes to some of these questions, then please feel free to give us a call and we can answer any other questions you might have!